Sports-Related Injuries

Sports-Related Injuries

Sports-Related Injuries Treatment in Troy, IL

Organized sports at any level require intensive training, exercise and repetitive movements that often lead to sports-related injuries. For athletes at the peewee, high school, collegiate or even professional level suffering from an injury, the road to recovery starts with a custom sports rehabilitation physical therapy program that typically involves prevention education, stretching programs and specific conditioning and training from our expert staff. 

Tailor-Made Physical Therapy’s caring staff is made up of athletes with orthopedic experience who are ready to treat a variety of sports-related injuries, including:

Overhead Athlete Injuries

Since the overhead throwing motion is a skillful yet repetitive motion for most athletes, it can place incredible demands on the participant’s shoulder complex and often lead to a variety of injuries to the surrounding tissues. Tailor-Made Physical Therapy has a multiphased approach to rehabilitation that can control the inflammation, restore balance and flexibility and ultimately return the athlete to their sport without operations or medications. 

Running Injuries

The sports rehabilitation experts at Tailor-Made Physical Therapy can help diagnose and provide insights into your positive and negative running habits through in-clinic live observation. By identifying impairments in movement and correlating with functional and objective testing, we can address specific muscle weaknesses. Once corrected and retrained, the runner’s corrected position performance will be optimized and future injury prevention achieved. 

CrossFit Injuries

As the workout of choice for competitive athletes looking for peak performance at the end of their range of motion, CrossFit carries its own unique pains, injuries and weaknesses for the participant. Tailor-Made Physical Therapy have custom CrossFit recovery programs to address any faulty movement patterns, asymmetries, weaknesses or poor body mechanics and then strengthen and retrain the athlete.

ACL Return to Sport and Injury Prevention

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the source of a common athletic injury since sports often require participants to stop and change motion suddenly. By twisting the ligament the wrong way, an ACL injury limits your range of motion, causes severe pain and leaves you unstable on your feet for the duration of your recovery. Our orthopedic experts treat the underlying ACL injury and provide the conditioning and training to prevent future injuries from occurring. 


  • Therapeutic exercises to regain full ROM and allow for the start of therapy and allow for safe progression to closed chain activities when the athlete is ready. 
  • Neuromuscular Reeducation is the physical therapy phrase related to getting you joints to work in symmetry and in the right position to avoid kinesiological dysfunction leading to re-injury.
  • Modalities like Russian Stimulation to enhance quad return in the first stage of an ACL rehab.
  • And final stages of return to sport that prepare the athlete for return to cutting, sprinting, and completion. 

Tailor-Made Physical Therapy has sports-related injury rehab for any athletic need.