Our Clinic


Tailor-Made Physical Therapy is an outpatient physical therapy provider in Madison County, Illinois who serves the surrounding region with quality care.

As a local, small business founded, owned, and operated within the community where we serve, the team at Tailor-Made Physical Therapy is dedicated to the long-term healing, health enrichment, and patient satisfaction of our neighborhood.

We would love the honor of being your patient advocate and developing a customized treatment approach to achieve your health and wellness goals. Contact us today to set an appointment with our team and begin your wellness journey.

Our Vision

Every neighborhood needs a family physical therapist – a trusted leader who is dedicated to serving diverse needs and championing health and fitness goals by consistently delivering high-quality patient satisfaction and community enhancement.

Tailor-Made Physical Therapy is committed to the rehabilitation needs of the Madison County area as a full-service physical therapy provider that is owned and operated within the community we serve. For any age or ailment, we’ll treat you and your health like family because our strength comes from returning you to yours.

Our Patient Promise

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At Tailor-Made Physical Therapy, our mission is to provide more value to our community than we receive. 

What this means for you: We promise to trade your trust in us with custom physical therapy care that exceeds your expectations. Our leaders and staff strive to deliver optimal health results through specialized treatments within a caring, community-driven culture. We call it the Tailor-Made Experience.

The Team Responsible for Your Care

It takes a specialized team of high performers to achieve the results we’re dedicated to reaching with our patients. Here are some of the key personnel at Tailor-Made Physical Therapy who take charge of the patient experience and work hard to improve each individual’s quality of life.