Knee Pain Relief

Knee Pain Relief

Knee Pain Treatment in Troy, IL

Pain in this hinge joint can restrict movement and make it unbearable to get up and move about your day easily. Whether it’s a result of an underlying condition or an acute injury brought on by a sprain, strain or dislocation, knee pain causes imbalance and wear-and-tear on your knees and hips. As with any pain that makes you unstable on your feet, knee pain requires targeted physical therapy treatments and exercises to stabilize your issue and strengthen your core.

Our full-service physical therapists develop specialized, long-lasting pain relief treatments for these common knee conditions:


This is the most common form of arthritis and is caused when the protective cartilage in your joint wears down and stops cushioning the ends of your bones. This disorder most commonly affects the knee joint and requires specific physical therapy exercises and stretches to treat the symptoms of arthritis.

ACL Injuries

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is often injured when twisted the wrong way. Athletes tend to stop and change direction resulting in hyperextension of the knee. This leads to an ACL injury and subsequent loss of range of motion which causes severe pain and leaves you unstable on your feet for the duration of your recovery. Proper physical therapy not only treats the underlying ACL injury, but also helps prevent future injuries from occurring. We also have positive research to support return of stability for ACL deficient knees for an athlete that can develop stability strategies through physical therapy. 


  • Therapeutic exercises with specific scaling after Stem Cell and or PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections
  • Modalities
  • Manual Therapy including Astym TM
  • Taping techniques using the Kinesio ™ Method and tape
  • Return to run program
  • Return to Sport after ACL reconstruction might be one of the most patient-specific things we do for our patients in therapy and can make the difference in preventing future injuries in both legs.
  • Joint Replacement Rehab
  • Plyometric Training for explosive activities that require more power
  • Agility Training to prepare an athlete for cutting and change of directions needed for sport

Tailor-Made Physical Therapy’s custom programs will treat your knee pain.