Back Pain Relief

Back Pain Relief

Back Pain Treatment in Troy, IL

Back pain can show up in many forms and is the most common injury we see at Tailor-Made Physical Therapy. Back conditions can creep in unexpectedly or be the result of an accident, lifting injury, slipped disc, problem with posture or a variety of other reasons. If you’re experiencing back pain, physical therapy programs can bring the relief you need without the need for drugs or surgery.

Our experienced therapists can treat a range of back pain diagnoses, including:

Sciatica Pain

This specific back pain condition known technically as “lumbar radiculopathy” distributes pain along the sciatic nerve. As the largest nerve in your body, a pinched sciatic nerve can affect your spine, glutes, legs and feet with a shooting pain that can also feel like a sting or a burn. Sciatica Pain can be relieved through a targeted physical therapy program.

Piriformis Pain

Piriformis pain is a condition caused by dull pain and spasms in the piriformis muscle which affects the buttock region. Piriformis can also affect your sciatic nerve causing pain to your leg and foot. Whether it’s tightening, spasms or swelling causing piriformis pain, physical therapy can develop a treatment program that alleviates your pain and restores your range of motion.


  • Therapeutic exercises focused on fixing the mechanical cause of the dysfunction and preventing future injury and further damage. 
  • Manual Therapy deep tissue massage, manual stretching, joining mobilizations to realign tissues to allow therapeutic exercises to effect positive change. 
  • Modalities like heat and electrical stimulation to assist in the initial stages of therapy and allow for improved participation in therapy. 

Tailor-Made Physical Therapy helps you start living without back pain.