Sports Medicine Physical Therapy

Sports Medicine Physical Therapy

Sports Medicine Physical Therapy in Troy, IL

Sports rehabilitation starts with a specialized program from our licensed orthopedic physical therapists who develop a path to recovery that includes the necessary conditioning and training for any style of high-impact, repetitive actions. Tailor-Made Physical Therapy’s custom sports rehab therapy provides specific, positive outcomes to restore confidence in your movement and abilities by managing any acute and chronic athletic injuries and conditions.

Trust our team to help you even the score when facing these sports-related injuries:

  • Stress fractures in the lower extremities and spine 
  • Achilles tendonitis/tendonosis and plantar fasciitis
  • Patellar and gluteal tendon injuries (treat now before it becomes tendinopathy)
  • ITB syndrome
  • Patellofemoral friction syndrome PFFS
  • Post-surgical injuries: meniscectomy and meniscal repair, ACL repair, rotator cuff repair and/or labral repairs and cam/pincer deformities of the hip with labral repair
  • Overuse injuries on soft tissues in upper and lower extremities
  • Spine injuries: joint or disc including issues with surrounding muscles and ligaments
  • Trauma sprains and strains during competition (early intervention always leads to a faster return to sport)


From prevention to education to managing impairments, our sports rehab treatments are tailor-made by athletic trainers and certified therapists who participate in the overhead sports, running, weight training and dance programs they treat.

  • We take a thorough approach to treating your condition throughout the kinetic chain and look for defaults to not only eliminate the pain but to stop the mechanical pain generator. For instance:
    • Elbow pain problems from throwing are not limited to that specific joint weakness but can stem from scapular dyskinesia (poor coordination of muscles that attach from the shoulder blade to the upper arm) and limited thoracic mobility or core instability
    • Knee and Ankle problemsIn the lower extremity can often be the cause or effect of problems up the kinetic chain to the hips and lower back
  • By taking a systems approach to each sports injury, our goal is to prevent a return to physical therapy for the same injury in the future. 

Schedule a sports medicine physical therapy appointment today.